Venus Room

“Never help a child with a task at which he feels he can succeed.”

Dr Maria Montessori

Venus Room is the toddlers room for 2 to 3 years, where the environment is tailored to the children’s increasing independence. This is supported using early Montessori materials, blocks , puzzles etc. to develop their fine and gross motor skills. They are equally supported with developing imagination and communication skills.

Staff ratio of 1:4.


Time Routines
8:00 Breakfast/Free Play
9:00 Circle time
9:10 Actvities/messy play/Early Montessori activities/free flow outdoors
10:00 Snack bar open/nappy changes
Actvities continued
11:00 Story time
11:10 Outdoor play
11:45 Lunch time
12:30 - 2:30 Rest time/sleep time
2:30pm Afternoon snack bar open
2:30 - 3:45 Activities/Early Montessori activities/free flow outdoors
3:45 Story/circle time
4:00 Tea time
4:30 Free play/nappy change
5:00 Outdoor or /indoor play area
6:00 Home time