
We are here to help make childcare affordable for your family

Fees for a day nursery can put many mums and dads off choosing it as an option. But there are a range of Government schemes open to parents that can make nursery affordable – and we will do everything we can to help you understand the choices and access the funding that you might be eligible for:

1. Free Early Education

For 2, 3 & 4 year olds

We participate in the government’s 15 Hours Free Entitlement for eligible 2 year olds, the 15 Hours Free Universal Entitlement for all 3, & 4 year olds and the 30 Hours Extended Entitlement for eligible 3 and 4 year olds. This enables parents to receive, on a termly basis, 15 or 30 hours of free nursery place per week for their child for 38 weeks of the year (term time only) or 11 /22 hours per week (stretched offer).

Children are entitled to the grant the term after their 2nd birthday for eligible two year olds and 3rd birthday for all three & four year olds. Parents are able to choose how they wish to use the free entitlement. Please speak to the nursery manager about your specific requirement. A programme of learning is in place which aims to help children achieve a number of early learning goals by the end of what has been termed their foundation stage education (age 3-5).

For more information, click here to find out more.

2. Tax-Free Childcare

Tax-free childcare is a new government scheme to help working families with their childcare costs.

Parents will be able to open an online childcare account to pay their registered childcare providers directly. For every £8 parents pay into these accounts, the government will add £2, and the total amount in the account can only be spent on childcare.

Parents can receive up to £2000 of government support per child, per year, or £4000 for disabled children.

For further details see: www.gov.uk/get-tax-free-childcare

Working Tax Credit

If you claim Working Tax Credit (WTC), you may be able to get help with childcare costs while you work. 

To get this help, the childcare must be with an Ofsted registered child care provider. Working Tax Credit has been replaced by Universal Credit for most people.

For further information please visit the following website: www.gov.uk/working-tax-credit

New Working Tax Credit claims

Working Tax Credit has been replaced by Universal Credit for most people.

You can only make a new claim for Working Tax Credit if you get the severe disability premium or got it in the past month and are still eligible for it.

If you cannot make a new claim for Working Tax Credit, you may be able to apply for:

Universal Credit

Universal Credit is a payment to help with your living costs.

You may be able to get it if you’re on a low income or out of work. Universal Credit is being introduced in stages across the UK.

For further details see universal credit.

Childcare Vouchers and other employer schemes

The following schemes are closed to new applicants:

  • Childcare vouchers
  • Childcare your employer arranges with a provider (known as ‘directly contracted childcare’)

If you joined one of these schemes on or before 4 October 2018 you might be able to keep getting vouchers or directly contracted childcare.

3. Parent who study

For more information, click here to find out more.